Stripping Copper Wire - Is It Worth?

13 May.,2024


Stripping Copper Wire - Is It Worth?

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Copper wire is a common name for all types of Cu cable. So copper wire recycling price depends on the kind of copper scrap. You can find it the table below. Feel free to call us if you want to sell your metal but cannot determine the type of your waste. Require a scrap metal pick up service or fill in the form on the contact page.

Want more information on copper wire shredders? Feel free to contact us.

Copper wire stripping process could be very time consuming all depending on the type of equipment you are using. Most recycling yards have professional machines that are designed to strip large quantity of wires in the shortest period of time. Unfortunately, majority of people are not equipped with this kind of machinery and resort to use knives or any other type of sharp object to get the insulation off the copper, this process could be very timely but most important dangerous. Well you decide what works for you better after this quick mathematical break down.

Let’s say you start with 100 lbs of insulated copper wire and break it down in to different gauges since copper recovery is very different.

Calculation for 12-gauge

12-gauge wire has 75% copper recovery, so after you are done stripping your wire you end up with 75 lbs. of copper and 25% of plastic garbage that you need to figure out how to dispose of. Here is the money break down (we are going to use today’s market prices for the following calculation). For 12-gauge wire average price is a $1.30 per lb. the way it is with insulation, that would translate in to $130.00 for your 100lbs of 12-gauge wire, without stripping it. If you were to strip it, your 75lbs of copper would bring you $1.90 per pound $142.50 the difference between stripping and selling it the way it was would be $12.50. So you will net $12.50 from stripping 100lbs of 12-gauge wire, at this point it’s your decision if you should do it or not.

Calculation for 250mcm-750mcm

250mcm-750mcm wire has 90% copper recovery, so let’s use same 100 lbs. if you were to sell it the way it is in today’s market you would get average $1.50 per pound so it would get you $150.00 without doing a thing to it, just bring it to a recycling yard and sell it. If you chose to strip it, you will end up with 90 pounds of copper don’t forget 10 pounds in plastic waste and in today’s market you will get $1.90 per pound for stripped copper wire so your 90 pounds will net you $171.00 difference of $21.00 between stripping it or selling the way it is, just want to mention one thing stripping larger gauge wire is much faster and easier then stripping smaller gauge but just as dangerous. Watch your fingers and good luck with whatever you decide to do.

Copper Wire Types and Current Pricing

Understanding Grades of Copper Scrap


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Understanding Grades of Copper Scrap

  Monday, 10 April 2017

Copper is among the most valuable metals available when it comes to scrap collection and recycling.  With an infinite recyclable life, copper is used and reused in motors, computers, construction, industrial machinery and more.  Whether you’re a collector or dealer of scrap in a hobbyist, part-time or professional capacity, a reliable method of sourcing quality copper scrap is a great thing to have.

However, the prices you can get depend largely on the grade of scrap copper that you carry.  As different recycling centres and scrap dealerships tend to have their own prices based on their own classifications, it’s a good idea to know precisely what sets copper grades apart, as well as which of them provides the best overall value.

If you are looking for more details, kindly visit tires recycling machine.

#2 Copper

This grade of copper can be identified by its somewhat dirty appearance.  It should be comprised of miscellaneous unalloyed wire, pipe or solid metal that continues to have solder, paint or any kind of coating on it.  Additionally, its minimum copper content should be 94-96%.  In order to qualify for this grade, wire must be bare of insulation and be thinner than a 16th of an inch in diameter.  The ends and fittings of #2 copper are generally accepted at dealerships, and oxidation of some wire, pipe or tubing is allowed as long as damage is not excessive.

#2 copper is the third most valuable grade available.

#1 Copper

#1 copper is the second most profitable type to trade in.  To be classified as #1, the copper should be comprised of bus bars, clippings, commutator segments and wire of at least 1/16th of an inch in diameter.  It should also be clean in appearance, unalloyed and uncoated.

The most valuable type of copper pipe – clean copper tubing – may qualify as #1 copper as long as it is free of fittings, insulation, paint, solder and other materials.  In fact, most copper tubing and copper pipes can be of #1 grade providing they show few signs of corrosion and have their fittings removed.  Trace amounts of oxidation on the tubing are generally acceptable.

Bare Bright Copper

Bare bright copper is by far the first among the types a scrap dealer would like to find.  Also referred to as “bright & shiny copper,” it is the most valuable and high-paying grade around.  It refers exclusively to bare, uncoated and unalloyed wire or cable – no thinner than 16 gauge in thickness – which is of #1 copper quality.  Copper piping is not included within the classification.

As its name implies, samples must be stripped of insulation and other materials.  Furthermore the metal must be free from any paint, impurities or signs of tarnishing.  This includes any visible oxidation, and very negligible amounts of patina on the copper are allowable.

#2 Insulated Wire

#2 grade insulated copper consists of unalloyed wire – thinner than 16 gauge – which includes heavy, double or plastic insulation.  The grade generally covers many common types of telecommunications wiring as well as electronics such as outlet and extension cords.  Some coatings on the scrap, such as tin and nickel for example, as well as some degree of corrosion will also meet classification.

With its insulation removed, the wiring should look like #2 copper wire.

#1 Insulated Wire

#1 insulated wire consists of copper wire or cable which is clean, unalloyed, uncoated and untinned.  It should also be plastic insulated, of 16 gauge thickness or larger, with all ends cut off.  Though insulation does not need to be stripped, if it were the wire within should closely resemble ‘bright & shiny’ copper wire.

Armed with this information, you are in a good position to understand the expected value of the copper scrap in your possession.  Checking prices at individual recycling companies and comparing the difference between their classifications and rates should ensure you receive the greatest possible reward for your effort.

At ASM Metal Recycling, we use the most advanced scales to ensure all our customers get the most accurate pricing for their copper scrap.

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If you want to learn more, please visit our website Mini Cable Granulator.