How profit is the waste cable and wire recycling business?

29 Apr.,2024


How profit is the waste cable and wire recycling business?

The profit of the waste cable and wire recycling business is mainly determined by the amount of copper output rate. Of course, there will be some other factors that will affect the profit of the waste cable and wire recycling business. Then how profit is the waste cable and wire recycling business specifically? Let's analyse the profit of the waste cable and wire recycling business in this article specifically.

For more copper granulators for saleinformation, please contact us. We will provide professional answers.

Here please see the below table of profit analysis for waste cable and wire recycling business. This table is just to give you a reference.

Profit analysis of copper wire recycling machine Running cost / Day Item Input Quantity Unit Price ($)  Input cost ($) Total cost($) 1 Scrap car wires 4 Ton 4691/ton 18764 18890.86 2 Power consumption 75Kw/H*8H=600KwH 0.14 84 3 Workers 2 workers 21.42/day 42.86 Income/day Item Output Quantity Price ($) Income($) Total income($) 1 Copper 4T*55%=2.2T 10008/T 22017.6 22557.6 2 Plastic 1.8T 300/T 540 Daily profit = daily income - daily cost=22557.6 - 18890.86 = 3666.74  ($)

For a better understanding of the profit of the waste cable and wire recycling business, let's calculate the costs required for your waste cable and wire recycling business.

-Equipment costs: The waste cable and wire recycling business is to recycle the copper in the waste cable and wire to make a profit. So before you start the waste cable and wire recycling business, you will need to invest in one of the costs is to purchase the waste cable and wire recycling machine. There are a number of waste cable and wire recycling machines for sale on the market and you can choose the right waste cable and wire recycling machine according to your needs.

Waste cable and wire recycling machine

-Raw material cost: The prices for different kinds of waste cable and wires are different, as they have different contents of copper. With more copper content, price would be higher. For example, car wires usually include 55%-60% copper. The cost would be around USD3355 per ton. For household wires with about 30% copper, the price would be much lower. So before you start the waste cable and wire recycling business, you can learn about the recycling price of each type of waste cable and wire. This can help you to clearly calculate the profit of your waste cable and wire recycling business.

-Power consumption: The power consumption of the wire and cable recycling machines is also one of the costs of the waste cable and wire recycling business. Different machines can have different power consumptions. Here we will mainly introduce the power consumption of DOING waste cable and wire recycling machine for your reference.The actual electricity consumption of DOING waste cable and wire recycling machine is usually 60%-70% of the total power. The cost is calculated by actual consumption/h*hours*electricity charge.

-Labor cost: Labour costs are also one of the costs of the waste cable and wire recycling business. However, if you buy the waste cable and wire recycling machine from DOING, you do not need to invest a lot of cost in labour. DOING Group’s waste cable and wire recycling machine is fully automatic. So only 1 or two workers are needed for operation, which decrease the cost greatly.

Then let's calculate the income from your waste cable and wire recycling business. Then about the income, you can not only earn from selling the copper, but also the plastic particles.

It’s not hard to sell the copper at metal trade market. The copper particles from dry type waste cable and wire recycling machine have higher value. The plastic particles can be sold directly or used for pelleting or making wire covers. The plastic particles can be sold directly or used for pelleting or making wire covers. The price of copper is influenced by the waste cable and wire recycling machine. DOING Group’s waste cable and wire recycling machine is a dry type waste cable and wire recycling machine. The copper recycled by DOING Group’s waste cable and wire recycling machine is very clean and has a high separation rate. So if you buy waste cable and wire recycling machine from DOING , you will get a good profit.


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The above is about the costs and income of the waste cable and wire recycling business. The waste cable and wire recycling business is more and more popular right now. Because more investors realize it is a profitable and promising business. If you have the stable material of waste cable and wires, don’t hesitate to contact Doing Group for more information to start this business!

Q & A: The benefits of investing in wire processing equipment

SF: How long can recyclers expect it to take to get a return from investing in these machines?

BJ: Payback is heavily dependent on purchase price and volume processed. Every one of our clients is different. Some generate material as a by-product of their normal operations, such as demolition companies or cable manufacturers. Demolition companies can often pay for the machine a couple times over with one large project as we've seen multiple times. A more typical situation is the scrapyard that has a combination of B2B and the general public delivering material directly to them. The most important question on everybody's mind is "how much more can I make?" by processing material in-house. Being processors ourselves for over two decades, as well as manufacturers of the machinery, we can get very specific if a potential client advises how much they pay for a given material and how much they could sell it for. This conversation is a revelation for most, and is frequently followed by "how soon can we get it?"

SF: What are the requirements for the materials that can be processed by the granulators in terms of things such as cable size, type, and contamination?

BJ: With our base unit, Phoenix, material is hand-fed onto a conveyor belt directly into the granulator. The infeed material must fit into the opening which is 12 x 18 inches and 22 inches diagonally. We advise our clients to cut the material into soccer ball size bundles. No steel or jelly wire is allowed. In cases where there is light oil or grease contamination, they can introduce an absorbent powder into the system to neutralize the effects which can be problematic on the gravity separator as material must be dry and free flowing to separate. All other configurations utilize Wagner brand pre-shredders. These shredders are specifically configured for cable recycling and can shred light steel as you may encounter with armored MC/BX cables. 

All configurations with shredders include an overbelt magnetic separator. All configurations include a high-powered magnetic drum separator to guarantee ferrous-free copper chops as standard. The shredder doesn't care about cable size, as an automatic pusher is included that goes back and forth, feeding material into the rotor to be cut. Material size is only limited by the size of the cutting chamber, which is 40 x 41 inches on the smaller WS22 shredder for Phoenix Direct, our most economical model that includes a shredder. The WS30, which is included with Phoenix XD and Phoenix XD Plus, has a 41- x 53-inch cutting chamber.  

SF: At what volume does it start to make sense for recyclers to invest in these machines, and what size of operations benefit from these machines the most?

BJ: For Phoenix, we recommend a minimum of 30,000 pounds per month of ICW. Clients in the past who started with hand feeding ultimately upgraded to a configuration which includes a shredder once they grow their business to reach over 60,000 pounds per month. Our cable recycling equipment is suitable for any size recycler handling ICW. We have numerous mom-and-pop clients as well as Fortune 500 companies who have multiple machines at multiple locations. 

SF: What are the main benefits of having a modular system?

BJ: Modular cable recycling systems or wire choppers create an opportunity for smaller recyclers to increase their processing capacity and grow their business over time without losing their initial investment. Offering equipment with a lower barrier to entry in a niche market like cable recycling evens the playing field by allowing smaller companies to be competitive from the start. One can get into the market by just having a hand-fed Phoenix, and at any time in the future, add modules for increased capacity. The system is plug and play, and every base unit has all the functionality built in from the start to accommodate any additional equipment. 


Contact us to discuss your requirements of rubber shredder machine. Our experienced sales team can help you identify the options that best suit your needs.