Bassinet vs Crib vs Cradle

13 May.,2024


Bassinet vs Crib vs Cradle

Bassinet vs Crib vs Cradle

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When it comes to sleeping options for their newborn, first time parents are invariably baffled and struggle to make the right purchase. Every parent wants to make the right choice to ensure optimum comfort, care and protection for their baby, and the overwhelming options that are available in the market certainly don’t make it any easier. Pregnancy is difficult enough without factoring in the chaos that is baby shopping. For a first time parent, it can definitely be unnerving. Here is a breakdown of the 3 most common types of baby beds, what works in their favour, and what doesn’t. 


A bassinet is a small, snug bed for your infant. It is smaller, lighter and more portable than a crib, and serves well as an extra bed for naptime in the living room or at grandma’s house. It usually resembles a basket like structure raised on a stable base upto a height that is roughly even to the average adult’s hip. This, coupled with a shallow bed area, makes it very easy for parents to place their baby into the bassinet without a lot of leaning and bending as compared to a crib. A bassinet may be safely used till your baby is about 9 kgs, or can roll over. After that, plan to transition your baby to a larger sleeping area, like a crib, with a sounder structure. 


A modification on the bassinet, cribs came around in the 19th century as a safe way to keep an older baby in their bed. A traditional, rectangular crib is the largest and the sturdiest of baby beds, with newer cribs offering an array of options that can grow with your child. These convertible cribs come with a range of removable hardware and sides that can reconfigure a crib into a toddler bed and even a day-bed. It is this adaptability that keeps cribs relevant and a recurring crowd favorite. A newer, third option, is a round or an oval crib. It’s appeal lies in its pleasing visual aesthetic and it provides your bay with the most open space to move around and play. A crib can be used right from your baby’s infancy to the toddler stage, with convertible cribs comfortably lasting your kid’s first decade. Its large size and stable base prevents it from being a tipping hazard, enabling your baby to safely sit and stand up within it. Most cribs come with an adjustable mattress platform, allowing you to set the height according to your baby’s age and level of activity. While newborns can safely use the highest level, you can lower the mattress once your baby learns to stand up and support itself on the sides. A good quality crib can last for generations and is often passed on between family and friends. 


An option between bassinets and cribs, cradles come in varying sizes along with a soothing rocking motion that greatly aids naptime. They are a lot sturdier than a bassinet, but more portable than a crib, and usually made out of wood. Cradles are easily identified by their gliding or rocking mechanism. However, like bassinets, they are designed for small babies only and your kid will likely outgrow it by the end of the first year. 

Now that we have a basic idea of what is what, let’s talk about comparison. Based on the unique features of each option, we have drawn up a few basis of comparison which might help with your decision making process. 

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Very young babies might feel unsettled in the large open space of a crib. This is why bassinets are such a favorite for infants. They provide an ideal snug fit for your little one. Cradles offer this as well a soothing rocking motion that is optimal for nap time. 

Living Area
While bassinets and cradles are best suited to a smaller living space, mini cribs offer a decent mid-way between a full blown crib and a smaller option that your kid will outgrow within the year. 


Bassinets and Cradles are both designed to last the first few months of your baby’s life, after that they post a tippling hazard. Cribs win hands down when it comes to utility over a period of time, outlasting the other options by years. Especially the convertible crib that can grow with your child upto the age of 10 years. 

Cribs are by far the most expensive option, costing twice, sometimes thrice, the amount of a cradle or a bassinet. It does, however, pose as a reliable hand me down as well.

Ease of placement
It is much easier to place a baby in a bassinet, which is usually supported by a stand at an optimal waist level with an elevated, shallow bed area. The short sides as compared to a crib make bassinets much more forgiving on your back, which let’s face it, need all the help it can get at this point. Cradles are typically lower, which makes placing a bit more challenging. 


Bassinets are the most portable of the lot, with cribs coming in a solid third. Ideally, once installed, cribs don’t go anywhere. It is a large, heavy structure that isn’t designed for portability. Bassinets are lighter, and at times also have a detachable basket option that can be hoisted to wherever you may please.

The consensus- How to choose? 

The advantages of a bassinet far outshine a crib and the cradle in terms of cost and portability, while a crib wins hands down in terms of stability and utility. A cradle offers a unique rocking feature, but at the crux of it is the question of utility. No matter what option you go for, one thing is certain, after the first year you will eventually need the crib. This makes both the bassinet and the cradle somewhat of a luxury add-on, while the crib is more of an investment. With baby products, it’s always wise to plan for a quickly growing child as they will outgrow everything seemingly in a blink of an eye. Bottom line, whether you pick a cradle, bassinet or a crib, plan ahead, do your research and consider your space. No matter what option you pick, your baby will be healthy and happy as long as he gets good sleep in a safe environment.

crib / cradle

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