Enterprise 5G: Guide to Planning, Architecture and Benefits

29 Apr.,2024


Enterprise 5G: Guide to Planning, Architecture and Benefits

5G, the latest generation of cellular technology, delivers faster speeds, lower latency, higher reliability and greater capacity for multiple devices than its 4G predecessor. Carriers target the majority of their 5G marketing dollars to consumers, but enterprises will reap the biggest rewards.

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In the coming years, enterprise use cases will outweigh consumer use cases, making it essential for organizations to thoroughly understand 5G's benefits and challenges now and to begin evaluating how the technology could affect the way they do business.

This enterprise 5G guide explains how the cellular technology works, its architecture options, emerging use cases, how it compares to 4G and Wi-Fi 6, and more.

What is 5G?

5G is the fifth generation of cellular communications technology. Initially released in 2017 after years of development, the standard greatly increases the capacity and versatility of wireless connectivity.

5G's potential speed of 20 Gbps is a significant draw, but its low latency -- ultimately two milliseconds or less -- is even more attractive for enterprise applications that encompass augmented reality, IoT, location awareness and branch connectivity. 5G is engineered to be more secure than its cellular service predecessors, thanks to more comprehensive transport security algorithms and other safeguards.

How does 5G work?

5G uses a vast network of small cell stations located on light poles and building roofs, among other locations, to transmit signals via the millimeter wave spectrum (30 GHz to 300 GHz). With its shorter wavelength, a millimeter wave can only travel short distances and is susceptible to weather and obstacles, such as buildings, walls, coated windows and foliage. Millimeter wave technology works best in densely populated areas or open venues, such as in factories or stadiums, which can be blanketed with low-powered small cell stations to properly gain line of sight and boost radio signals.

In addition to small cells, 5G networks can be connected and distributed via macrocells and femtocells.

5G isn't monolithic. Enterprises can also take advantage of the standard through the use of lower frequency bands -- low-band and midband -- with the tradeoff being support for fewer devices at potentially lower speeds and greater latency. For now, many organizations concentrate their enterprise 5G efforts in dense areas or open venues to take optimal advantage of 5G's capabilities.

Two other 5G options are standalone 5G and non-standalone 5G. Both are valid ways to build 5G networks and provide roadmaps that enterprises can follow when migrating to the 5G standard.

The 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) is working on 5G standards -- such as 5G New Radio (5G NR), a replacement for the long-term evolution (LTE) standard -- so enterprises need to pay close attention to its work. 5G NR supports the growth of wireless communication by enhancing electromagnetic radiation spectrum efficiency.

This new generation of cellular technology has its own lingo, so make sure to brush up on the 5G terms you need to know.

The differences between 5G and 4G

4G cellular service has been instrumental in powering the mobile workforce, but 5G will likely be better known for improving enterprise operations and making possible the delivery of new applications and services.

4G LTE is limited by its spectrum, which only reaches to 6 GHz. 5G's millimeter wave operates between 30 GHz and 300 GHz, which means the wider channels can transmit more data. 4G's use of lower-frequency bands impedes latency, speed and capacity, even though its signals can travel farther between radios or tall cell towers. Compared to 4G networks, some 5G networks might be able to support from 10 to 100 times more users and devices per square kilometer.

5G requires organizations to invest in new core infrastructure that includes base stations and antennas, as well as onboard radios for devices and sensors. 5G's shorter travel distances also demand more infrastructure -- namely, more small cell stations, about the size of a pizza box -- to get signals from one point to another without interference.

5G ushers in a whole new set of capabilities. Among them is network slicing, a technique that lets businesses program network segments to safely and cost-effectively share 5G connectivity.

Business benefits of enterprise 5G

Organizations have long wanted a flexible and secure connectivity option for the enterprise, and the features of 5G meet that need. 5G is expected to benefit businesses in several key ways, including the following:

  1. Automation. Increased speed and lower latency make cellular technology a viable option to bring automation to branch offices.
  2. Flexible alternatives to dedicated links. 5G services provide less costly and more flexible alternatives to MPLS and other dedicated lines primarily used for latency-sensitive applications.
  3. More users and devices. Thanks to its increased capacity, 5G supports more users and devices connected in the same physical area without affecting availability.
  4. Power savings. 5G can cut the power consumed by devices by up to 90%, making 5G a compelling IoT use case, as some IoT devices could experience a 10-year remote battery life.
  5. Augmented security. Additional security features, including key management services, make 5G a more trusted option than 4G for IoT, branch and other enterprise traffic.

Providers, manufacturers and the U.S. government overall are working to make 5G a secure technology. Newer security tactics, such as zero trust, take advantage of 5G's programmability and can ensure only validated users get access. Notably, 5G uses 256-bit encryption, doubling the 128-bit standard used in 4G.

5G architecture and features

5G architecture better supports machine-to-machine communication than its predecessors because it features the ability to transmit large data streams, supports real-time decision-making and fosters automation. 5G's programmability makes it easier to connect with more data sources, including resources stored in the cloud. Finally, 5G is backward compatible with other wireless technologies, including 3G, 4G and Wi-Fi, enabling enterprises to aggregate the standard with other communications systems.

Private 5G network architecture

5G networks can either be public or private. To better secure their operations, many large enterprises build private 5G networks as an alternative to procuring network capacity from 5G providers. While private networks can be more costly, they enable enterprises to customize their 5G buildouts to meet application requirements, more finely manage infrastructure and secure data on premises.

When enterprises consider building private 5G networks, they should ask and answer some key questions:

  1. Do you need ubiquitous coverage for devices or a new type of wireless backhaul?
  2. Despite 5G's ability to support higher speeds, are you willing to trade larger cells and lower frequencies for speeds that might not meet expectations?
  3. Will most of your traffic stay within your enterprise network or head out to the internet?
  4. What device types, capabilities and density will be involved?

Typically, a private 5G network design includes small cell hardware and upstream connectivity to the LAN. Private 5G networks are not one-size-fits-all, however.

5G and Wi-Fi 6

The intersection of 5G and Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax) presents some intriguing options for enterprises. For instance, Wi-Fi 6 might be better suited for congested spaces that have obstacles and little line of sight, while 5G works well in open spaces that require high speeds and low latency. Seamless handoffs between Wi-Fi and 5G networks mean the two technologies can be used together to support a growing remote workforce.

5G and Wi-Fi 6 both have powerful signal modulation, authentication and security features. In addition, each can help companies reduce their power consumption, either by design or through power-saving functions that can reduce the load on access points.

Typically, one main difference between cellular and Wi-Fi technology has been how they operate in licensed vs. unlicensed frequency bands -- but 5G changes that. Experts warn that using 5G in an unlicensed band could create interference with Wi-Fi, so businesses should carefully map out their coverage.

Also, Wi-Fi can't transfer sessions between access points. This limitation comes into play if a company wants to use Wi-Fi to track movement of products. By contrast, 5G can handle those transfers with ease.

5G, IoT and edge computing

IoT and edge computing have distinct demands for high speed and low latency. In many cases, sensors are sending mission-critical information to edge or cloud-based devices to be aggregated, analyzed and acted upon. For example, consider self-driving vehicles, assembly line equipment and city surveillance cameras that constantly send and receive data.

5G's low-power requirements extend battery life, making it a perfect match for IoT networks. This capability enables enterprises to be innovative in their architecture designs, as devices won't have to be tied to a power source.

Experts recommend enterprises use an application's requirements to select the best wireless connectivity option -- understanding that 5G might be overkill in meeting the application's demands.

5G and SD-WAN

Organizations can pair 5G and SD-WAN to manage wired and wireless connections to remote offices as well as home offices. The combination redefines WAN deployment strategies, offering organizations significant benefits as they determine how best to connect distributed workforces.

SD-WAN could also be useful in helping sites toggle between 4G and 5G connections, automatically selecting the appropriate link for the demands of the application and traffic conditions. Some industries, including retail, could employ SD-WAN to provision 5G as a primary option for pop-up locations, with secondary links via MPLS and broadband.

Enterprise 5G use cases

Use cases for enterprise 5G are expanding rapidly as businesses evaluate where the cellular technology could improve their operations. Below are five examples of 5G use cases:

  1. Retail. 5G fixed wireless can replace broadband connections, enabling faster connectivity and more flexible management. Using SD-WAN, companies could provision and manage hundreds of locations.
  2. Healthcare. The healthcare sector is using technology to make greater use of limited resources, including surgical staff. 5G's low latency could enable surgeons to operate remotely via robotic applications. Hospitals also plan to use 5G to transmit critical diagnostic data and images that can be shared among the ER, ambulances and field teams to provide faster and more comprehensive care.
  3. Sports venues. Sports organizations -- among them the National Football League, the National Hockey League, Major League Baseball, the National Basketball Association and NASCAR -- have deployed 5G to enrich the fan experience through real-time access to video highlights, such as instant replay and more immersive applications.
  4. Manufacturing. Companies can use 5G to speed connectivity from IoT sensors on machines to the cloud for more complex real-time analytics. The speed and low latency 5G provides means information extracted from the analytics can be put to use for real-time decision-making that could improve operations on the factory floor.
  5. Smart cities and autonomous vehicles. Again, the low latency, capacity and throughput of 5G make it a prime candidate for innovation in city management and transportation. Streetlights, signals and other public safety applications can benefit from the wireless technology, enabling changes in patterns based on real-time events or AI models. Autonomous vehicles, which use AI along with machine learning and analytics to process information in real time, can communicate through 5G to automatically adjust speeds due to road conditions or increased traffic.

5G enterprise challenges

For all of 5G's benefits, enterprises should carefully consider its challenges when abandoning current wireless and wired infrastructure.

Network security concerns

The fact that 5G can simultaneously support more connected users and devices than previous cellular technology equates to many more vectors of exposure that need to be carefully assessed and monitored. Also, 5G requires far more infrastructure that must be protected from threats. Experts warn that hackers could use a 5G network to exploit existing vulnerabilities or to develop new modes of attack. Finally, the 5G standard itself does not support end-to-end encryption, and that gap early in the connection process can leave enterprises potentially open to attack.

Staffing and training

As with any evolving technology, finding qualified IT staff to integrate 5G will be an ongoing challenge for most enterprises. IT staff have to be specifically skilled to oversee a network that seamlessly shifts between wired and wireless connectivity. Personnel must also be able to troubleshoot myriad technical issues as well as manage 5G-enabled network components that range from simple IoT sensors to complicated machinery.


5G requires a hefty investment to reap its full reward. Legacy network components have to be swapped out with those that are 5G compatible. Companies also have to buy new wireless gear to ensure adequate coverage.

Signal interference

Perhaps more than any other wireless technology, 5G requires network teams to pay close attention to site surveys. The easiest use cases are venues with open spaces all under one roof. A site survey can reveal the extent of signal penetration challenges -- specially coated windows, walls, etc. -- and radio dead spots, as well as how much effort would be needed to mitigate them either with a facility redesign or additional equipment, such as antennas.

Although enterprises might face some indoor coverage challenges with 5G, small cell technology can help.

Availability of 5G

Companies that want to take full advantage of 5G enterprise-wide must first determine whether the cellular technology has been launched at all their locations.

Service providers are still in the process of rolling out their 5G services, with most of their attention focused on densely populated areas, such as major metropolitan cities. Although use cases for agriculture and mining are plentiful in rural areas, deployment of 5G in those locations might not be cost-effective for carriers, which could delay its availability.

How to find partners and buy 5G

5G service is only as good as the devices and applications using it, so organizations should chart a roadmap for when enterprise equipment and applications will be available to support 5G. From that, they can create a timeline for procuring 5G services.

Businesses have to decide whether to buy, lease or build a 5G network. With those three options, enterprises could buy public 5G services from a mobile operator, lease a 5G network slice or build a private 5G network.

Enterprises that want to build their own private 5G network should partner with an integrator, vendor or service provider to help with some of the more nuanced aspects of 5G. For example, 5G can significantly increase traffic, so organizations must assess if other parts of the network -- such as the VPN -- can handle the load.

Enterprises that choose to build their own 5G networks should consider the following four factors:

  1. Spectrum for the radio network.
  2. 5G infrastructure to provide the required features and interfaces.
  3. Small cells or microcells to transmit and receive.
  4. Interconnected facilities to link the private 5G network to the public mobile network if required.

The future of enterprise 5G

Enterprise 5G is all about innovation and applications. What comes next depends on how effectively enterprises take advantage of 5G's speed, low latency and capacity to push AI, machine learning, real-time analytics and other advancements deeper into their operations.

New iterations of 5G are also waiting in the wings. The 5G Advanced standard is pegged for release in 2024, according to a timetable released by the 3GPP. Among other capabilities, 5G Advanced will support extended reality communications, which builds on existing augmented and virtual reality applications. Read more about what might happen with 5G in the coming years.

At the same time, the wireless industry is already working on 6G technology, which is expected to begin launching commercially in 2030 and support data rates of 1 TB per second. 6G will build on 5G's capabilities for applications, such as imaging, presence technology and location awareness. 6G technology will be able to selectively use different frequencies to measure electromagnetic absorption rates and adjust frequencies accordingly. Industries such as government, healthcare and transportation will benefit greatly from 6G.

Chuck Moozakis is editor at large of the Networking, Security and Infrastructure group at TechTarget. Sandra Gittlen is former editor at large for TechTarget's Networking and Security Media Group

What Is 5G Home Internet? Could It Be the Answer to Your ...

Are you tired of being tied to internet service providers with cumbersome contracts, slow speeds, restrictive terms and rising fees? You're not alone. A 2023 customer survey tagged ISPs as the country's second-lowest-rated industry. You read that right. Internet providers are even lower than airlines, social media, health insurance companies and the US Postal Service. All too often we feel we have hardly any options. Could 5G be the answer? 

The technology powering the latest phones also wants to tackle our household broadband needs. A solid home internet connection is vital, whether you're working from home or decompressing with the latest video games. The earliest 5G home internet plans, available from names like Starry, Verizon and T-Mobile, offer respectable speeds at a straightforward price -- but availability is limited to select cities and regions. CNET has reviewed all the major 5G services and we've got the details on how they work, how fast 5G gets, what it costs and where it's available.

So, what is 5G home internet? 

Simply put, 5G stands for the fifth generation. The fifth generation of what? The fifth generation of wireless data networks. You're probably most familiar with hearing 5G used to describe better mobile communications and speedier phones. You're not wrong: 5G networks, which use different radio frequencies than previous generations, aim to provide faster data speeds with much less lag or delay than we had with 4G.

Locating local internet providers

My CNET colleague Eli Blumenthal does a great job of breaking down the basics of 5G. Millimeter-wave technology uses higher frequencies than previous generations, providing faster speeds and connections. Those higher, gigabit speeds come with a price: the data doesn't travel the same distance as 4G and has more trouble with obstructions. To combat that, midband technology, which offers speeds averaging between 300 and 400 megabits per second, increases the coverage area provided by millimeter-wave. Finally, low-band 5G offers a range similar to 4G but speeds between 100 and 200Mbps.

Is 5G home internet the same as 5GHz?

No, it's not the same. One common mistake is to see the "5GHz" setting on your Wi-Fi router and assume you have access to 5G. Wi-Fi routers also use short-range radio frequencies (typically either 2.4GHz or 5GHz) -- to transmit your internet signal to connected devices within your home. 5GHz might be one of the band options for your home's Wi-Fi system, but it's not the same as 5G, which is a cellular technology that uses higher-frequency waves.

Locating local internet providers

Cable, DSL and fiber internet plans require wires connecting your home to the provider's grid. Fixed wireless services, like 5G, connect your home to a provider's network over the air.

Taylor Martin/CNET

How is 5G home internet different?

Most ISPs deliver internet service via phone lines or cables connecting your home to a more extensive network. That includes common internet connection types like digital subscriber lines, coaxial cable and fiber-optic internet. Those are all wired connections from your provider to your home.

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5G home internet, on the other hand, is a fixed wireless internet service, which means that the connection between your provider and your home is not wired. With 5G, you will need an indoor or outdoor 5G receiver at your house to pick up the signal. It's similar to satellite internet, but instead of beaming in a signal from satellites you see orbiting in the night sky, it's relaying information from a much closer wireless hub. Although you're using the same 5G network as your mobile phone, the gateway is specific to your location and cannot be used elsewhere.

What providers offer 5G home internet?

5G is still being deployed across the country. For that reason, the number of providers currently offering any 5G home internet plan is relatively limited. For example, AT&T provides a 5G mobile service, but its fixed wireless solution did not utilize its 5G network. That dynamic changed midway through 2023 when AT&T announced its AT&T Internet Air would begin utilizing it in 16 markets across the US. As of late January 2024, AT&T Internet Air is now available in 59 locations across the country.

Right now, your main options for 5G home internet are Starry, T-Mobile and Verizon. All prices listed on this page reflect available discounts for setting up paperless billing. If you decide not to go with automatic monthly payments, your monthly bill will be higher. Now, let's explore what each offers.

Starry Internet

Price range

$30 - $80 per month

Speed range

50 - 1,000Mbps


Fixed wireless

Key Info

Unlimited data, no contracts, no equipment fees, simple setup

Starry started in 2016 but does not lean into the 5G connection. It does not use 5G NR radio technology, which is a focus of mobile providers. Still, it does use millimeter-wave technology as a critical aspect of delivering fixed wireless home internet to customers. "We operate in 24GHz and 37GHz spectrum bands, and our network technology is the same across all our markets," a Starry spokesperson said.

The monthly price includes unlimited data, free equipment and installation, and no contracts. It's also the only 5G home internet provider listed here that features symmetrical or near-symmetrical download and upload speeds, similar to what you'd find with a fiber internet service.

Lastly, Starry also offers a "30-Day Happy Interneting Guarantee" with a full refund if you aren't satisfied with the service and cancel within the first 30 days. 

It should be noted that Starry exited Chapter 11 in August of 2023, so it halted plans to expand to new cities. It will focus on its five existing markets: Boston, Denver, Los Angeles, New York and Washington, DC.

Read our Starry Internet review.

See at Starry

Starry Internet plans and pricing

PlanMax speedsMonthly priceEquipment feeData capContract Starry Connect
Read full review 30Mbps download, 30Mbps upload$15 NoneNoneNone Starry Basic
Read full review 50Mbps download, 50Mbps upload$30 NoneNoneNone Starry Select
Read full review 100Mbps download, 50Mbps upload$30 NoneNoneNone Starry Plus
Read full review 200Mbps download, 100Mbps upload$50 NoneNoneNone Starry Pro
Read full review 500Mbps download, 250Mbps upload$65 NoneNoneNone Starry Gigabit
Read full review 1,000Mbps download, 500Mbps upload$80 NoneNoneNone

Show more (1 item)

T-Mobile Home Internet

Price range

$60 per month

Speed range

72 - 245Mbps


Fixed wireless

Key Info

Unlimited data, equipment included, no contracts

T-Mobile Home Internet features the lowest broadband speeds among our listed providers. That's because it wavers between 4G LTE and 5G. It's not exclusively 5G. T-Mobile "anticipates" that most customers will average between 72 and 245Mbps download speeds. When CNET tested T-Mobile's service in 2021, we hit a maximum of 132Mbps.

T-Mobile's service includes all setup fees and taxes. There's no annual contract or data cap. It'll also give you a $200 gift card for switching providers. Among its current deals are six free months of SiriusXM, weekly perks through T-Mobile Tuesday, and savings of $20 off the monthly price for eligible T-Mobile voice customers.

Read our T-Mobile Home Internet review.

See at T-Mobile

T-Mobile Home Internet plans and pricing

PlanMax speedsMonthly priceEquipment feeData capContract T-Mobile Home Internet
Read full review 72-245Mbps download, 15-31Mbps upload$60 ($40 for eligible Magenta Max mobile customers)NoneNoneNone

Verizon 5G Home Internet

Price range

$50 - $70 per month (50% off for eligible 5G mobile customers)

Speed range

85 - 1,000Mbps


Fixed wireless

Key Info

Unlimited data, no contracts, free equipment, 50% discount for qualifying Verizon mobile customers

Verizon's 5G internet service, which uses Ultra Wideband 5G technology, boasts maximum download speeds of up to 1 gigabit and average speeds of around 300Mbps. Upload speeds are not symmetrical and will plateau at 50Mbps or less because Verizon does not exclusively use millimeter-wave technology but rather a mix of low-band, mid-band and millimeter-wave.

Verizon 5G Home Internet pricing is $50 a month for 50 to 300Mbps or $70 monthly for 85 to 1,000Mbps, plus some extra perks. Either way, it's an all-in price that includes equipment, setup fees and taxes, and like all other Verizon plans, it requires no contracts or data caps.

Verizon offers many promos and deals to sweeten the pot for potential customers. First, it provides an early termination fee credit offer to give qualifying customers a bill credit of up to $500 if they switch from their current ISP and are charged an ETF. Second, 5G Home Plus customers can get a $200 Target gift card. Lastly, customers with qualifying Verizon mobile plans will get a discount on the monthly cost of either plan, bringing them down to $35 or $45 monthly.

Read our Verizon 5G Home Internet review.

See at Verizon

Verizon 5G Home Internet plans and pricing

PlanMax speedsMonthly priceEquipment feeData capContract Verizon 5G Home
Read full review 50-300Mbps download, 5-20Mbps upload$50 ($35 for qualifying Verizon mobile customers)NoneNoneNone Verizon 5G Home Plus
Read full review 85-1,000Mbps download, 10-70Mbps upload$70 ($45 for qualifying Verizon mobile customers)NoneNoneNone

Where can I get 5G home internet?

Let's not sugarcoat this: 5G home internet service is not yet available everywhere. While the list of cities seems to expand nearly every month, most are larger US cities. 

T-Mobile Home Internet is the most widely available service among the three highlighted providers. While Verizon's 5G home internet service is now available to 40 million homes, T-Mobile leapfrogged that by expanding its fixed wireless service to over 50 million households. Yet T-Mobile acknowledges it does not have unlimited availability across those locations due to network capacity. 

Verizon's 5G Home Internet is currently offered in approximately 900 markets. That means that although the total number of households in which it is available is less than T-Mobile, it does cover more cities.

Starry Internet is available in Boston, Denver, Los Angeles, New York City and Washington, DC.

Final thoughts: Is 5G home internet for you?

The first thing to be said is what we always say regarding ISPs. No matter how good the service, it's all moot if unavailable at your address. 5G technology is still being rolled out nationwide, so we should expect to see some bumps in the road as that effort continues.

Still, 5G home internet availability is increasing at a pretty rapid pace. The affordable, straightforward pricing is vastly appealing, and it's what jumps off the page for me. Time will tell if that trend holds as availability continues to expand. It would be a real step forward if 5G could emerge as a viable broadband option for traditionally underserved parts of rural America. As CNET alum Rick Broida put it after he tested T-Mobile's service, "Imperfection is a lot more tolerable when you're paying less than half what you were before."

5G home internet FAQ

Is 5G home internet cheaper than other connection types?

5G home internet is one of the more affordable options available considering the decent download speeds that current plans average. T-Mobile averages just over 100Mbps, Starry chimes in at 200Mbps and Verizon's median speed is 300Mbps. The lowest monthly cost among the three main providers is $15 (Starry's low-cost option) and the highest is $70 (Verizon 5G Home Plus without the Verizon mobile discount). Each provider's monthly costs include all fees, taxes, equipment and installation charges. So the monthly charge you see is the monthly charge you pay. Lastly, none require term contracts, so you won't have to fear any early termination fees.

Is 5G fast enough for home internet?

In theory, 5G should enable a speedy connection that will match or better what you get with cable or fiber internet. That's usually not the case regarding the reality of 5G home internet. To increase the reliability and coverage of the 5G internet service, most providers rely on a mix of millimeter-wave, low-band and midband technology -- as well as 4G LTE in some cases -- and this means home internet customers won't see the real high-end capabilities of 5G at present. You should see well over the average speeds of your typical DSL and satellite internet plans. 

What does the 'G' stand for in 5G?

It simply means generation. In other words, 5G is the fifth generation of cellular technology.

What's the difference between 5G home internet and cable internet?

Cable internet -- whether coaxial cable, fiber-optic cable or a hybrid of the two -- relies on wires to transmit data from a central hub into your home. 5G home internet is a fixed wireless solution that uses an internet gateway to connect your home using radio frequencies to connect to a cell tower or data hub nearby. 

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